Wow! It’s been such a busy first term with Garden To Table, but we’ve achieved SO much insuch a short space of time. We’ve dug, chopped, planted, built, carried, sieved, rolled, blended, drilled, hammered, watered, eaten, laughed, sweated, grated and worked together to learn lots of new skills. We even made it into the paper last week! All these things don’t just ‘happen’ and without the help of others we’d never of managed to achieve all that we have. So I’d like to take this opportunity to thank all the fabulous students, parents, grandparents and members of our community who have supported us, volunteered their time or donated items to the garden. We couldn’t have done it without you!
I’d like to thank the parents and grandparents of the Room 5 students, who helped us in the garden and kitchen. I like to thank Yvonne and Reuben Hill and Hamish McDonald for giving up their time putting the greenhouse together. Thanks also goes to Scott Wilson for creating our composting system.
Andy Moore, who owns Paving Innovations on McTeigue Road, very kindly donated the pavers for the path and for the inside the greenhouse. Thanks Andy! (If you need pavers yourself go and see Andy, tell him you saw this article and he’ll give you a discount! Tel 3493682 or 0252071130). The PTA were kind enough to give us money to buy some kitchen equipment, so thanks very much for that! But the BIGGEST thanks of all goes to the fabulous men from the Halswell Menz Shed - Ron, Alan, Jim and Colin, who have given up so much of their spare time cutting down the raised beds and building the pallet planters. You’re the BEST!
If you’re interested in getting involved in projects like this and/or joining the MenzShed contact Roger Spicer:, 027 229 1928
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