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Friday, 23 September 2016

Planted Poppies

Room 24 has now been and planted the poppies in the garden. It makes a great entrance to our school.

Thursday, 22 September 2016

Food Forest Planting

Well, today was the day for planting all the flower seeds under our fruit trees. We had ALL the Year 4s out helping and they did a great job.

Firstly, they had to weed out some of the grasses that are growing in the Food Forest. It was important to get the roots out too!!

Then, they scattered the seeds which included borage, yarrow, red clover and poppy seeds.

It will be great to see all the flowers come out and have all the bees back in our school gardens.


The bane of every cooks life is dishes but there were two enthusiastic helpers to give me a hand in the kitchen. Well done Deacon and Tyler who made a great job of cleaning up.

Poppy Plants

Mr Foreman and Room 24 have been growing some poppies to commemorate all the New Zealanders who have served our country.

The Garden Club thought this was a great idea so gave them a hand by clearing a space and moving some compost for the plants to grow in.

When the poppies are all flowering its going to make a real impact at the front of our school. As we were working there we had visitors to the school comment on what we were doing.

Potatoes in the Paper

The local newspaper had a feature on the potatoes which Lincoln and Deacon had planted last week. It was great to see their photos in the newspaper.

Curry with Room 18

We had the Junior Masterchef cooks from Room 18 working with the Year 7/8's making a silverbeet and spring onion curry. There was lots of curry powder, tumeric and paprica added to our vegetables. The smell in Room 18 was amazing.

We shared our kai with Room 22 and 23 and it looks like they thought it was pretty yummy!!!

Well done as usual to our Year 7/8 helpers who do a great job keeping our Juniors safe.

Tuesday, 20 September 2016

Spring has Sprung

The first signs of Spring have arrived in the Food Forest with the start of Spring Blossom on our fruit trees... This week we will be planting more seeds under the trees to get lots and lots of flowers again. These will bring LOTS of bees to our school.

Thursday, 15 September 2016

Everyday I'm Shovelling !!

The green crop on the hill needed to be dug in so  I called on Deacon and Lincoln to help me dig it over. It was hot in the sun but the boys focused on digging carefully in lines to make it easier for them. Thanks for your help.

Keep New Zealand Beautiful

Today was the day of our big tidy up around the school. We had a large number of senior students away with the Koru Games but we still made a big difference around the school. Well done to all the students who came and helped make our school nice and tidy.

Everyone else can help by remembering to put rubbish in the bin and if you see rubbish around ANYONE can pick it up.

Thanks for the help Garden Club.

Thursday, 8 September 2016

Strawberry Plants

Mitre 10 had a special on strawberry plants so I got some more to top up the wine barrels outside Room 18 and 19.

Seth planted them for me and then spread bark around to act as mulch. He learnt that the mulch keeps the moisture in the soil and helps the plants grow.

Thanks for your help Seth.

Silver beet for the chickens

Our chickens love silver beet so we have planted some by their chicken run so that it can be feed to them along with the pellet food. They so get lots of greens from weeding around the school, and old vegetables from the gardens but it will be nice for them to have some food right beside them.

This area was dug over by Kynan and Seth last week and today Lincoln planted the silver beet in there.

Compost shoveling

This isn't one of the most pleasant gardening jobs that we have but today, despite the wind and rain, Lincoln was out shoveling compost for me. We have lots of fruit scraps which turn into lovely compost but it does take quite a bit of work. Lincoln was amazed to see how many worms we had working in our bins... and was a bit disappointed to see the plastic that still sneaks into the bins sometimes.

Thanks for your help Lincoln....

Got to get them all....

Weeds that is... not Pokemon....

Rain and hail wasn't enough to put the senior boys from the Garden Club off being outside and weeding by the Senior Playground...

Thanks for the help boys....

Wednesday, 7 September 2016

Thanks Year 0/1

I took a group down to the Food Forest to weed out some of the grasses. The students needed to pick only the grass not the other flowers that are growing. They then took the weeds down and feed the chickens. These students did a great job and were really careful.
Thanks for all your help!!

Monday, 5 September 2016

Thanks Fiesta Bulbs

We have had some bags of seed potatoes arrive from Fiesta Bulbs. Deacon and Lincoln have planted them after having put compost down and dug over the beds in previous weeks. Hopefully we will get lots of potatoes!!