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Friday, 26 August 2016

Fruit trees

We have very generously been given 8 heritage fruit trees from the Food Resilience Network and the Christchurch City Council. These trees have been selected for their hardiness and resistance to diseases.

Some of the Year 4 students came out and helped plant these trees. The food forest is now starting to look nice and full.

Thursday, 25 August 2016

Chicken Expansion....

Mr Rush helped us extend the chickens area today. We cut a bit off the bottom of the fence around the boiler room and now the chickens can roam in that area too. They are very excited about this new space which is where we grew our pumpkins last year. There is lots of grass and worms for them to find and they are enjoying this extra space.

Thanks Mr Rush...

Wednesday, 24 August 2016

Pumpkin and Carrot Fritters

To celebrate the end of the winter sports programme we shared our kai with the Year 6's who are normally at winter sport on a Friday. We made Pumpkin and Carrot fritters which also had some of our school grown garlic in it.

Mr Hillary's class really liked them and  were great at guessing what the ingredients were... Lots of students wanted 2nd and even 3rd helpings.

As usual our Year 7 / 8 helpers did an amazing job keeping our Juniors safe and teaching them lots of kitchen skills.

Compost Muscles

I was very lucky to have Deacon and Lincoln help me turn over our compost. We get a lot of fruit scraps which turns into very good compost but it needs to be turned regularly. The two boys also sieved the bark out of some of the finished compost and put this compost onto some of our garden beds.

They had to persevere even though it was hot work. Well done boys.

Friday, 12 August 2016

Silver beet and Spring Onion Risotto

Today our cooks made this yummy risotto which we shared with 100 Year 2 students. It was a bit like the Masterchef kitchen trying to get all the servings out... Especially seeing we needed to make 120 if we were going to have a sample for the teachers and the cooks as well.

Great work from the Year 7 and 8 leaders who take such pride and show such great leadership during these lessons.

Thursday, 11 August 2016

Thank you Indis Nz Ltd

Indis NZ Ltd has very generously given us some bottles of Natrakelp which is a liquid seaweed fertiliser.

We will use this in our vegetable gardens and also in the orchard.

Thanks for this donation to our school.

Wine barrels

Outside Room 14 to 19 we have got some wine barrels with several different plants growing in them. Alex led a team of Year 4 students to water these and we gave them an extra boost with some worm tea added to the watering can.

Room 23 Path

We are nearly finished this path. The Year 7/8 boys who shoveled bark at morning tea moved a huge amount. They worked really hard.

Well done boys.

Spring Clean

Today Addison and Deacon came out to help me tidy the chicken house. They had to scrap all the chicken poo and straw into the wheelbarrow. Then we spread fresh straw in their house. The chicken manure was taken down to our compost bins where it will rot in peace.

Its not a nice job and the masks are a bit scratchy but they persevered. Well done Deacon and Addison.

Vegetable Curry

This group of students made a vegetable curry using our silver beet, leeks and spring onions. We served it on rice crackers and shared with the Year 4 classes. It tasted pretty good.

Tuesday, 9 August 2016

Thanks Tui

We were delighted to receive a Tui bird feeder and some bird seed. The Culture Club with Mrs Kingston had made some bird feeders the week before so they were able to put this feeder up to. The birds were very pleased to see it and hopefully they will now stop eating Mr McAven's silverbeet!!

Friday, 5 August 2016

Frozen Veges

It looks like we will be cooking with frozen veges today... And the gardening team might need to carry snow shoes just in case...

I'm sure the vegetable curry will still taste good!!

Thursday, 4 August 2016

Rubbish Collection

The Garden Club was out in force this morning despite the cold wind to do a massive tidy up around the front of the school. We filled 4 buckets of rubbish which seems like a lot for such a small space.

We all need to be careful to put our rubbish in a bin.

Thanks for taking pride in our school Gardening Club.