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Thursday, 26 May 2016

Rubbish Collectors

The junior members of the Garden Club spent Thursday morning tea picking up rubbish around the school. Disappointingly they found lots of rubbish which they put into the bins.

Thanks for all your help taking pride in our school and showing those CARE values.

Compost on the hill

Great news... Our compost bins are actually producing compost... which the Garden Club muscle spread on the hill for next years crop. It was great to see all the worms working hard for us at Oaklands School.

Tuesday, 24 May 2016

Pumpkin and Silverbeet Fritters

We used our pumpkin crop today and made some yummy Pumpkin and Silverbeet fritters. These were made by some of the Room 17 students and shared with Room 1 and Room 9.

Our Year 7/8 students really took charge of their junior buddy's and kept  them safe while they were cooking. Its great to see these seniors step up and take control. Well done.

The juniors love sharing our creations with other classes especially when there is an older sibling in the class we share with... This sharing of kai builds our community values.

Room 13 and the Food Forest

After their sterling effort spreading peastraw last week, this week Room 13 planted some feijoa trees and an apple tree in our Food Forest.

While  it has rained lots since we planted the trees, it has been a very dry Autumn so it was hard work digging the holes deep enough.

Thanks for all your help Room 13

Re creating scenes from "The Hobbit" movie??

No, Mr Rush and I today made some   wine barrel planters ready to fill with compost and then plant some fruit trees in there...

Thanks to the Hornby Working Mens Club and Mitre 10 Mega Hornby for their sponsorship of this project.

Thursday, 19 May 2016

Chicken House Cleaning time again

Today I had Morgan and Rose help me clean out the chicken house. They took all the straw and manure out, swept the base, filled it with nice clean straw and took the old straw down to the compost bins.

The chickens were distracted by some silverbeet leaves but they still insisted on coming to see what was going on.

Thanks for your help.

Drinking trough

Mr Rush has  made the chickens a new drinking trough out of  some  guttering. This means that the girls can't knock the buckets over and wont run out of  water. It is still able to be taken out and cleaned

Thanks for your help!!

Friday, 13 May 2016

Food Forest - Room 13

Yesterday all the grass and flowers in the food forest were given a trim and today Room 13 has spread peastraw over the ground. This will put nutrients back into the soil and help our forest flourish next year.

Thanks for your help Room 13

Thursday, 12 May 2016

Pumpkins, pumpkins everywhere....

Today the Garden Club harvested the pumpkins from behind the boiler. Some of the pumpkins had been eaten by bugs a bit so we gave those ones to the chickens.

There was still a big haul. Some of these will be sold, others will be used for our cooking programme.

It was a hard job finding them all in among the other plants. I think we got them all...

Thanks for help Garden Club.

Thursday, 5 May 2016

Gardening Club

On a sunny Autumn day we had a large number of students working in the gardens at morning tea today. The Year 7/8's started the tidy up on the hill. We had juniors watering and tidying up the silverbeet and harvesting the last of the tomatoes. It was great to have so many helpers.

Why did the chicken cross the fence??

Today the chickens got let  out into the whole orchard area.. there is lots of green plants, lots of bugs and places to scratch yet they still flew over the fence to get onto the short mowed lawn... after about 10 chicken retrievals they settled down and enjoyed their time in the orchard.